Be Separate, Yet Equal
Men and Women are different; they have always been and they always will be. We hear all the time about how men and women are to be equal. Well you know what? We are EQUAL, but that does not mean that we are the SAME.
Men have things that they are better at. Most are much better at keeping emotions out of decisions, providing for and protecting their families. Most women are great at making sure emotions are considered in decisions, nurturing, and keeping their families organized. I am not saying that men and women are limited to these things in any way. I am just showing that we do not have to be the same. Why can't we use our strengths to help each other?
My Experience In This Matter
My husband is very level headed. He is very compassionate and understanding. He is great at helping people with problems. He is great with fixing cars and cooking on the grill. I on the other hand am very organized and patient. I am very blunt with my words. I love reading books to our daughter, making crafts, and cooking in the house. Not many things about us are the same, but we compliment each other perfectly.
In a marriage, husband and wife are equal. They each have equal say in decisions and they should show equal love for each other. Husband and wife are not the same. There are certain things that the man should do and the woman should do. Families have dated back to the beginning of time and they seemed to work really well up until about 40 years ago. What changed to make families fall apart? I think part of it was the search for equality.
What is right?
Bruce Hafen gave an example that shows exactly why some marriages struggle in this issue. He said, "Our young husband’s parents believe the old idea that women are
fully dependent on their husbands. Our young
wife’s parents believe the new idea that women are independent
of their husbands. But the restored gospel teaches the eternal idea that
husbands and wives are interdependent with each
other. They are equal. They are partners." When you come into a marriage with different ideas of man and woman's roles, it can make marriage very difficult.
The Man's Role
The Woman's Role
Of course there are times when this does not happen, and this may not work for every family situation. Each family needs to adapt and find the way that they can best operate.
Why different roles?
It is so great for children to see mom and dad working together. It is good for them to see that mom or dad can't do it all by themselves. It is good for them to see mom and dad support each other in whatever they do. It is good to know that we all have different strengths and weaknesses, but that husband and wife support each other in all endeavors and strengthen each other where the other falters.
I like to think of husband and wife like tennis doubles. Someone is up front and someone is back court. Both partners are greatly needed and equally important. They each specialize in one area and they help each other win the game. They both understand the game and know what the other has to do and that each task is difficult in one way or another. If one person is struggling, the other assists until the partner can get back to their feet. They cheer each other on and they celebrate together and they lose together; always as a team. Marriage is not a competition; if you play that game, neither of you will win. Marriage is a team sport that requires that you both put in your effort and help each other succeed.
"In the home it is a partnership with husband and wife equally yoked together, sharing in decisions, always working together...'obligated to help one another...'" (Hawkins, 41).
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